America's Partnership for Homeland, Cyber, and National Security

Mitch Herckis has spent two decades working with and for the public sector on technology and security policy. Currently serving as Acting Director of the Civilian Security Branch within the Office of Management and Budget, Mitch leads cybersecurity initiatives within the Office of the Federal Chief Information Officer, including governmentwide implementation of the President’s Executive Order on Cybersecurity. Prior to joining federal service, he was a Senior Advisor for New York City Cyber Command, facilitating security implementations across 100+ city agencies on behalf of the City’s central cybersecurity authority, as well as leading public initiatives to increase the digital security of City residents.

He has advocated for sound technology policies at all levels of government, serving as the Director of Government Affairs for the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO), and Senior Legislative Counsel for Federal Relations at the National League of Cities. Mitch has also worked for leading cybersecurity and technology companies on cybersecurity concerns, working with governments on public policy and organizational development. 

 Separately, Mitch has helped grow a state and local government focused publication, and served as a consultant, strategist, and advocate for individual states and localities on a variety of public policy concerns.